On Oct 20, 2011, at 9:19 PM, David Conrad wrote:

> On Oct 20, 2011, at 6:07 PM, Keith Moore wrote:
>> It might that IETF should consider "bare names" out of its scope, except 
>> perhaps to say that they're not DNS names, they don't have to necessarily be 
>> mappable to DNS names, and that their use and behavior is host and 
>> application-dependent.
> Can we please not redefine what a "DNS name" is to meet a particular agenda?

I wasn't trying to do so.

> Isn't it sufficient to say a 'bare name' does not conform to a hostname as 
> defined in RFC 952 and modified by RFCs 1122?

Probably.  I'm just suggesting that trying to nail down the behavior of such 
names is probably a rathole as well as likely to cause significant disruption.

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