On Oct 21, 2011, at 3:15 AM, 
 <teemu.savolai...@nokia.com<mailto:teemu.savolai...@nokia.com>> wrote:
There could perhaps be another draft, which would say that if name is "foo"
it should not be appended with search lists but "foo." might? And whatever
other differences in their handling would be, and what impacts it would have
e.g. intranet designers?

I tend to agree with others who have observed that this question is beyond the 
WG's core competency.  But there really is a mif question having to do with how 
search lists are handled.   Personally I tend to side with the crowd that 
believes that DNS search lists should be deprecated with extreme prejudice, but 
if the consensus is otherwise, I think this draft you describe does need to be 

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