On May 27, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Miek Gieben <m...@miek.nl> wrote:

> [ Quoting <e...@isc.org> in "[DNSOP] NOTE RR type for confidenti..." ]
>> One of our operations staff made what I thought was a clever suggestion
>> the other day:  That it would be nice, from an operational standpoint,
>> to have a way to encode comments into a zone so that they wouldn't get
>> obliterated when a dynamic zone was dumped to disk, but couldn't be read
>> by just anybody with access to "dig".
>> This draft proposes such a beast.  Feedback would be lovely.
>> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-hunt-note-rr-00.txt
> Interesting idea!
> What happens if a server get these records and doesn't know about NOTE
> and treats them as unknown records?

Thats why the EDNS0 signaling is particularly clever in this proposal: A server 
would have to know about the NOTE record to receive them in a zone transfer, so 
as long as the source knows what its doing, the recipient will only receive the 
NOTE records if they know what they are.

The only case would be if a server is reading a zone file, not a transfer, in 
which case it won't know the RRTYPE of "NOTE", so it will fail to load the 

Nicholas Weaver                  it is a tale, told by an idiot,
nwea...@icsi.berkeley.edu                full of sound and fury,
510-666-2903                                 .signifying nothing
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