> So not to put too fine a point on it, but where is the use case for this
> proposal?   It seems like something that is more of someone's cool hack
> than a standard people ought to implement.   What am I missing?

The first three I thought of when the Dan suggested the feature:

1) In the places I've worked, there have often been emails going around
asking who's in charge of a particular machine or a particular IP address,
that information having apparently been misplaced since the machine was set
up or the address allocated.  In geographically dispersed organizations it
can be particularly hard to figure this stuff out.  It would be nice to be
able to leave breadcrumbs in the zone file and have them a) not get stomped
on, and b) be retrievable by an administrator working in a colo cage
somewhere by sending a suitably TSIG-signed query.

2) Over the years I've had to tell a dozen or so BIND operators who'd had
disk failures on their master servers to fetch backup zones from slaves,
and heard sadness at the loss of comments.  (Also file ordering, but
that's not something that NOTE can help with.)

3) Status comments could be added to zones such as "signed by $version
on $host at $date".

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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