
Way back, we had a draft that was adopted by the working group on TCP Keepalives (draft-ietf-dnsop-edns-tcp-keepalive). Prior to IETF91, we received an alternative proposal that was then presented (draft-bellis-dnsop-connection-close). There was some discussion during the meeting, but the consensus of the room was to return the discussion to the group and review the choices and make a decision.

The author of the tcp-keepalive draft has stated they do not see a use case anymore, but was approached by others who had a need for it.

The chairs are wondering:
        1) if their is still have a need for such an option,  and

        2) if there is consensus on competing proposals.

If you see a use case for the EDNS tcp-keepalive option as originally discussed, please say so, on the list, by February 4, 2015.

If you want to pursue the connection-close draft, please say so, on the list, by February 4, 2015, especially if you're willing to work on it.

If we don't hear anything about either, we drop them both.

For the chairs,

DNSOP mailing list

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