On 13/01/2016 20:01, John Levine wrote:
I suppose, but doing it as _<service>._client._<proto> puts it in > the existing service namespace. It's not a huge difference, and it's
> been clear for a while that if we do Dave's registry, part of what > it includes will be a list of the underscore names that are protocol > labels. That currently includes _tcp _udp _sip _xmpp _ldap _http > _ocsp so I suppose adding one more isn't awful, but it seems > needlessly kludgy.

When Dave and I last discussed that draft in any detail (back in Orlando!) my proposal was that it should for SRV-based services the only entries should be _tcp and _udp (or other L3 protocols), and that anything that exists in the IANA port registry (with the prepended underscore) would be a legal label to the left of that.

That would completely get away from the need to maintain the likes of _sip, etc in the underscore registry.


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