On 14/12/2016 21:16, Jim Reid wrote:

> So what? End users are not expected to see this string, far less care
> about it, are they? Surely this string is primarily, if not
> exclusively, for CPE firmware?

Actually, yes, they are expected to see this thing.

It would be what would appear in their browser bar, for example, if
accessing the web UI of various on-net devices or services.

> Perhaps the way to resolve that is to tackle those misunderstandings
> and any FUD around them. The self-same issue was discussed ad nauseam
> ~15 years ago over ENUM.
> IMO, the question here for the advocates of a TLD for home networks
> (for some definition of that term) is “what specifically can you do
> with .homenet (say) that you can’t do with homenet.arpa (say)?” ie
> What are the use case(s) and problem statement(s) that need to be
> addressed? And, as a logical followup, are those issues valid?

The arguments in favour of a pseudo-TLD are (AFAIK) entirely user
orientated, and not technical.


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