On 20 Dec 2016, at 7:16, tjw ietf wrote:

Please review this draft to see if you think it is suitable for adoption by
DNSOP, and comments to the list, clearly stating your view.

The draft itself is really not suitable for adoption by the WG. Just slapping "Informational" on the document is insufficient for preventing a lot of wasted effort by the WG in removing the parts of the document that promote the practices described.

If this is really just documenting current practice, then the document needs to be pared down significantly, and I strongly suspect the authors will not want to do that. They believe (as do many others) that the practices in this document are good for the Internet and good for the DNS. That's fine, and the fact that it has been implemented in a bunch of places shows that there is a community of active interest for promoting the idea.

Some here have argued that the protocol makes poor design choices, and some here have argued that the IETF publishing the protocol (even if it was stripped of suggesting it is a good idea) will give the wrong impression. As this WG has already seen, this is a recipe for lots of wasted time in the WG and a document at the end that makes no one happy.

Counter-question: of what value is documenting this current practice? Anyone who is already using it can find the documentation for it from their software vendor. There is nothing here that really affects the rest of the DNS other than "there will be lies".

--Paul Hoffman

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