On 20/12/2016 17:43, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> On 20 Dec 2016, at 8:35, Ray Bellis wrote:
>> The document primarily covers BIND's behaviour.
> Noted. That seems like a good reason for ISC to document it.

ISC isn't the current custodian of the specification.  Vixie and VJS are.

>> It would be good if other implementations were completely compatible
>> with that,
> Is this so that different implementations use the same master file
> format, or something else?

Same zone structure (it's not the file format, but the contents thereof)
and same order-of-processing rules.

> It is completely unnecessary for the future enhancements to be based on
> an RFC. The IETF has experience where trying to change a vendor-specific
> informational RFC to something better was harder than starting from
> "here's a way to do it; Appendix A shows the differences in how This Big
> Vendor did it earlier".

Not my call - I'm relaying what was said in Seoul.


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