At Wed, 20 Feb 2019 07:51:51 -0500,
Joe Abley <> wrote:

> The crux of the use case seems to be that it is commonplace for names in
the DNS to exist for short periods of time and that for some applications a
name that overstays its welcome can cause an operational problem.
> While I can understand the philosophical desire to complete the UPDATE
specification so that it is possible to engineer around this scenario, I
don't see the practical application.

I happen to know there's a practical application related to this
proposal.  As Mark says not all DHCP servers behave politely; there
are servers that just add RRs via DDNS and forget them.  We could say
that it's a problem of poorly implemented DDNS clients, not something
that should be solved in the DNS protocol.  I wouldn't necessarily be
opposed to that view.  In fact, given the higher bar with the "camel"
test, I'm not yet really convinced about the need for a protocol-based
solution to this problem either.  But at least this is related to a
practical problem, not just a philosophical one.

JINMEI, Tatuya
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