
John Bambenek

On July 1st, 2019, my DGA feeds are converting to a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license 
which means commercial use will require a license. Contact for details

On Jul 9, 2019, at 15:51, Jim Reid <> wrote:

>> On 9 Jul 2019, at 17:43, John Bambenek 
>> <> wrote:
>> I guess I'm not understanding the risks of people accidentally disclosing 
>> what they don't intend to.
> I suggest you learn more about GDPR. The penalties for non-compliance can 
> hurt - up to 4% of global turnover.

No DPA is going to fine me for publishing my email on my dns zone. Not the use 
of only first person pronouns. No one is talking about anything a third party 
will do. Only what domain registrants may do if they so choose. 

There is nothing in this I-D to require publishing anything. There is nothing 
in this I-D to require if someone publishes that its PII (can use role based 

Please read the I-D being proposed. 

The concern is that a standard structure of a DNS TXT record for WHOIS may 
inspire someone to “accidentally” publish their email in DNS, something they 
can coincidently do today because absolutely no new functionality is required 
to make this I-D happen.

The only thing being proposed here is a standard format be which to put contact 
info (even role based contact info) into a DNS TXT record in a standard format. 

> Some CIOs are learning this the hard way. British Airways got fined $200M+ 
> yesterday and Marriott’s been hit by a $100M+ fine today, both for data 
> breaches which involved due diligence failures covered by GDPR.

These are third parties managing someone else’s data. 
> Anyone proposing policies or protocols that involve Personal Data really need 
> to take account of the GDPR implications of their proposals and the likely 
> impact on those who will be affected.
> Hey, what’s this got to do with dnsop? :-)

Because the I-D at hand is about DNS TXT records. 
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