> From: Peter van Dijk <peter.van.d...@powerdns.com>
> Avoiding fragmentation is good. Putting that in a document is also good.
> But this document is not ready for publication. It also most definitely
> does not describe Best Current Practice; it also does not prescribe a
> Best Current Practice I can agree with or even really implement.
> I'll call out a few specific problems below, but this list is not
> complete.
> The (normative!) reference to RFC8900 is very vague.

I will change informative reference to RFC8900.

> The IP_DONTFRAG reference (well, not really a reference) is handwavy and
> ill-defined. The discussion of socket options is also incomplete. (See
> also: Petr's email)
> (That said, the advice is good.)

I would like to change IP_DONTFRAG/IPV6_DONTFRAG related description as follows.
If there is a better text, please suggest.

| 2.1 "Don't Fragment" way
|  In this document, the term "Don't Fragment" way
|  implies
|  to set "Don't Fragment flag (DF) bit" [RFC0791] on IPv4
|  and not to use "Fragment header" [RFC8200] on IPv6.
|  How to set "Don't Fragment flag (DF) bit" on IPv4 varies between
|  implementations, IP_DONTFRAG option is used on BSD systems to set
|  the Don't Fragment bit.  On Linux systems this is done via
|  The way without "Fragment header" on IPv6 varies between
|  implementations.  On BSD systems, use IPV6_DONTFRAG socket option
|  defined in [RFC3542].
| 3.1.  Recommendations for UDP responders

-   *  UDP responders SHOULD send DNS responses with IP_DONTFRAG /
-      IPV6_DONTFRAG [RFC3542] options.
+   *  UDP requestors SHOULD send DNS requests with "Don't Fragment" way.

>>   *  UDP responders MAY probe to discover the real MTU value per
>>      destination.
> I have no clue how a responder would do this. If I'm wrong, and this is
> possible at all, the document should explain how this would be done.

The third and forth paragraphs may be merged, I think.

> I assume section 3.2 means the EDNS bufsize in the request when it says
> "their payload size", but I am not sure. The text could be clearer on
> that.
>>   *  UDP requestors MAY probe to discover the real MTU value per
>>      destination.
> How?

For example, recent BIND 9 starts small EDNS requestors maxiumum
DNS/UDP payload size (512), and increases gradually.

Do you have good text ?

>>      To avoid name resolution fails, UDP requestors need to retry using
>>      TCP, or UDP with smaller maximum DNS/UDP payload size.
> This lacks 2119/8174 keywords. "need" sounds like SHOULD or MUST, but I
> do not think this behaviour should be mandated of implementations.
> Several resolver implementations currently do none of this, and they work
> fine on the existing Internet. We should not be adding code compensating
> for potential breakage we can imagine. So, I suggest this would at most
> be a MAY, or a lowercase "can retry using ...".

Ok, change to "MAY".

>>    The proposed method supports incremental deployment.
> In its current shape, this document does not really propose a method for
> anything. If the document gets updated to provide implementable advice,
> it should get an Implementation Status section.

Thanks. Section 4 Incremental deployment may be removed.

Kazunori Fujiwara, JPRS <fujiw...@jprs.co.jp>

> Section 5 is solid advice.
> I also agree with the full text of Petr's response.
> Kind regards,
> -- 
> Peter van Dijk
> PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/
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