Peter van Dijk <>:

Thank you for reviewing my implementation.

Note that the function called "probe_pmtu" does not really probe. At
> best, it finds some data the kernel cached recently. At worst (i.e.
> usually), it tells you the MTU of your local networking interface.

That's correct.

> > - A first response (to requester with small PMTU) can be lost because
> > nobody knows PMTU for destination that a large packet was never sent.
> > It slows down name resolution - Fortunately this is not a big problem
> > because 1) will be recovered by retransmission by the requestor
> (a) why would a requestor retransmit? (b) why would the retransmit help?

1) Responder receives first request and makes response (DF=1) that size is
exceeding PMTU and it was not received by requester.
2) Responder should receive ICMP NEEDFRAG and knows PMTU.
3) Requester (resolvers) _would_ retransmit same request after timeouts if
none of response is received.
4) Responder composes DNS message fitting in PMTU or TC=1 (if does not fits

I admit that my current implementation (responder's behavior which the I-D
describes, in my understanding) relies on requester's timeout /
retransmission strategy and when PMTU cache information expires same
timeout event would occurs again.

Daisuke Higashi
DNSOP mailing list

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