Nik Clayton writes:
 > On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 09:03:24PM +0000, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
 > > Nik Clayton writes:
 > >  > I discovered that if I convert PNG images to EPS files and then run them
 > >  > through TeX they appear about twice the size they should do.  For
 > >  > example, an 80x24 xterm takes up almost half the page.
 > > 
 > > I'd look closely at your PNG to EPS tool. Its plainly broken. I would not
 > > build a huge edifice on an inadequate tool.....
 > I don't think so.  I saw this if I used pdftex and used the .png files
 > *natively*.  They still appeared about twice as large as I'd like them
 > to be in the generated .pdf file.

I donīt know right now, but can a PNG contain a bounding box which is
wrong? Or a size field, which is evaluated by pdftex?


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