> I'm fairly certain it does, but it's been a while so I could be wrong.
> Check out the "density" option to "convert" -- here's the relevant
> tidbit from the man page:
>        -density <width>x<height>
>               vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels of the
>               image.
>              This option specifies an image density when  decod-
>              ing  a  Postscript  or Portable Document page.  The
>              default is 72 pixels per inch in the horizontal and
>              vertical direction.
> IIRC, I ran into this too, and used this option to fix it.  Like
> I said, it's been a while, so I could be remembering wrong...

This is for decoding an eps/pdf file.  Not for encoding (saving)
png files.  I have tried to use it, but I couldn't get it to work. :-)

 Thomas André Berger               Open Systems Computing AS
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