On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 10:17:29AM +0100, Thomas Andre Berger wrote:
> > Actually, scratch that. I just noticed that this convert for eps to
> > pdf blows chunks. I'm changing preheat to use epstopdf which does much
> > better.  Hey, and that's from Sebastian!
> Yes, that is the solution we use too to include vector graphics.
> Works great!

Yep.  epstopdf is a very useful tool.

> To get bitmap images into the documentation, we convert them
> to eps first.  This is done by ImageMagic.  

You might want to use the NetPBM tools to do this.  In my experience,
ImageMagick is a huge tool, with a lot of dependencies.  It does make
things easier, but it's a big download to foist on to anyone who wants
to convert your documentation to multiple formats.

We've just switched from using ImageMagick.

  png -> eps

      pngtopnm filename.png | pnmtops -noturn > filename.eps

  eps -> pdf

      epstopdf filename.eps

  eps -> png

      eps2png filename.eps

eps2png is a Perl script from CPAN, in the /authors/Johan_Vromans

> Then I use a tool named
> epstopng, which is just a copy of epstopdf with a change in the ghostscript
> backend (png256) and an additional parameter to set the DPI.
> This requires Ghostscript 5.50 I think.  The result file is a png
> file with DPI correctly set, and pdfjadetex gives me nice
> images.

What do you do when the source format for your image is already PNG?
Suppose I want to include a screen shot of an xterm, and use something
like XV to grab the display and save it to a PNG file?

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