Adam Di Carlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Actually, scratch that. I just noticed that this convert for eps to
> pdf blows chunks. I'm changing preheat to use epstopdf which does much
> better.  Hey, and that's from Sebastian!

Yes, that is the solution we use too to include vector graphics.
Works great!

To get bitmap images into the documentation, we convert them
to eps first.  This is done by ImageMagic.  Then I use a tool named
epstopng, which is just a copy of epstopdf with a change in the ghostscript
backend (png256) and an additional parameter to set the DPI.
This requires Ghostscript 5.50 I think.  The result file is a png
file with DPI correctly set, and pdfjadetex gives me nice

This is the only route I found to set the DPI in png files.
I looked for other tools some years ago, but could not find any.
Maybe other tools have appeared.  I must say that it would be
nice if ImageMagic could set the DPI right away, instead of
going through eps and ghostscript...

 Thomas André Berger               Open Systems Computing AS
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Kongensgt. 9, N-0153 Oslo, Norway
 phone: +47 2331 4758              phone +47 2220 4050, fax +47 22 20 02 85
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