Hi Jonathon and Jean,
   Thanks for your replies.
   Sorry, I don't know German. Or any other language (Just a few words in
Chinese; I lived in Taiwan for seven years).
   I found the _Using Assistive Technology in LibreOffice_ document. It's
labeled "draft 2". Do either of you know if this is this the latest
version? Also, was this document meant to be part of another doc, like an
appendix to the GSG, or was it to remain a separate doc?
   Jonathon, you mentioned "a good test of the functionality of the Project
Management tools for Lib0". Are you talking about a specific piece of
   Jean, thanks for the account.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Jean Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:33 AM, David Allen <daa.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've seen the page titled "User Guide Tasks" (
> > http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Development), but it's
> > essentially empty. Is it maintained by anyone in particular? If not, how
> is
> > it updated?
> The User Guide Tasks page
> (
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Development/UserGuideTasks
> )
> is supposed to be updated by people when they check out files (from
> the ODFAuthors website) for updating, review, editing, etc, and when
> they return the files they've been working on. Unfortunately, many
> people fail to do this. I, and a few others, occasionally fill in
> spaces for other people, but no one in particular maintains the page.
> At the moment, it's essentially empty because very few people are
> working on anything, AFAIK.
> > Is it fair to say that I could "just pick something" to work on because,
> > essentially, little to nothing is being worked on?
> In most cases, yes.
> > I see a few people recently showing interest in LibreOffice's
> > documentation, but I don't know if they are working on something but not
> > updating the list or they aren't doing anything simply because they're
> > getting lost in such a huge project--especially if those volunteering are
> > new to documentation.
> > I'm just finding it difficult to jump into details without knowing the
> > overall picture.
> We don't have anyone coordinating documentation or mentoring new
> people. I was doing that for years, but I've retired from that work.
> The Contributors Guide is useful but somewhat out of date and
> incomplete. I believe Dave Barton is updating some chapters.
> > Anyway, just thoughts. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing clearly? I
> > don't wish to offend anyone.
> > I need to get an ODFAuthors account. Can someone help me with that?
> I'll set that up for you now. You should soon get an email with your login
> info.
> --Jean
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