On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 5:10 AM, toki <toki.kant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06/26/2015 07:52 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
>> wiki help is supposed to allow an easier transition into allowing
>> volunteers to write help documentation, but again, knowing where to put
>> stuff, and learning to use mediawiki is an extra hurdle for a lot of
> I had forgotten that it used MediaWiki.
> Creating content is as easy as:
> # Create the new content in LibreOffice;
> # Export the document to the wiki using the built-in Wiki Publisher
> extension;
> I thought that there was an extension that enabled one to grab content
> directly from the web, but I can't find it.
> Maybe I'm thinking of the "Copy Plain text" extension for FireFox.
> jonathon

The LO Help found on the wiki is generated from the XML files Sophie
mentioned elsewhere in this discussion. DO NOT edit the Help on the
wiki, because your edits will NOT get back into the Help distributed
with the program, and any edits on the wiki will be over-written the
next time the wiki-based Help is generated from the XML files.

(If my information here is out of date, Sophie will correct me.)


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