Thanks for the insight. A whila back, my good friend
showed me the slack key tuning from "South City" and
now I have a 6-string and 12-string both tuned that
way. I keep them that way. Been working some new songs
in slack key "just because it sounds so great". 

Hey, if you don't mind, can you mail me offline with
the slack key tuning info you were talking about? I
seem to have missed it somehow. I also don't post here
often, unless something grabs slack key.

--- Steve Placotaris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wanted to post a big thank you to all the
> people who contacted
> me privately about my little addition to the  slack
> key guitar tunings
> post's that a few of us have been talking about .
> I've been on this list a couple of years now and
> this Slack Key subject
> has come up of few times in the past and I think
> that's a good thing.
> I'd like to see more technical music related posts
> and questions.
> It seems we have a lot of "lurking" musicians out
> there who are like
> me and don't post much unless something really moves
> us to say
> something .
> I'm mostly just a spectator in this club but it's
> nice to know there's
> some fellow musicians out there in the club.
> Don't be afraid to come forward every now and then.
> Stop lurking in the shadows and post some musician
> related
> things . I don't think the rest of the club would
> mind much.
> It can't be any worse than the top ten posts that
> come up every
> couple of months.
> Let's talk about things like what guitars you
> remember Pat and Tommy
> playing.What kind of basses did Tiran use during his
> doobie days?
> What is Skylark using now? What drums do Mike and
> Keith use?
> I know Pat Simmons was always known to play Gibson
> 335's all through
> the 70's and switched over to Stratocaster style
> guitars sometime in the
> 80's .
> I think Tommy was a big Gibson guy also before he
> switched to PRS guitars.
> Maybe some of you other musicians can enlighten me
> on equipment the doobs
> use and have used in the past . Maybe even some
> recording techniques?
> What Doobie song did you learn to play first? Did a
> Doobie song inspire you
> to take up an instrument ?
> Come on you musicians out there help me out , even
> if you play as a hobby
> lets hear from you . And post it to the list don't
> just send it to me just,
> keep
> it Doobie related and I think everyone will
> appreciate it.
> Don't let me down now because if no one responds
> I'll have to go back
> into hiding like the rest of you .
> See ya,
> Steve in PA
> _________________________
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