OK, some of this is embarrassing but, here goes.

When I was 6 or 7 yrs. old I started taking guitar lessons.  The first song I 
ever played was "This Land Is Your Land."  
I was the only guitar player (at that time) in the family so I remember 
bringing my guitar camping and we would all sing around the campfire.
I played every single day throughout my young adult years and then kind of 
got busy with other things in my life and just didn't have the time to play.  
My Doobie related subject on this is....
The Doobie Brothers helped me pick up my guitar again.  Rick and I would sit 
there and play Doobies songs all night long.  We had the Doobie Brothers 
Complete book so every time a song played we would quickly look up the songs 
in the book as they played and just totally jam on our guitars.  Rick with 
his cheapy electric guitar and me with my Martin Shenandoah acoustic with a 
pick up inside.  I thought we were going to blow the roof off our house not 
to mention get the neighbors banging on the door.....(of course to come in 
and admire us playing Doobie songs)...well, no one came to the door but, we 
had a blast playing Doobie songs.  
Well, now I'm not playing again and it's because of the Doobie Brothers....in 
a good way.
In Saratoga 99 I had all the guys sign my beautiful guitar.  Now it's even 
more gorgeous!!!  I'm going to either somehow frame the guitar or find 
someone trustworthy to put another finish on my guitar so the signatures 
don't rub off like Big Mike Hossack's signature did at Saratoga...I don't 
think Mike will forget that one...lol.  I turned into a big baby.  I freaked 
out because it looked completely ruined and I wasn't about to ask Mike to 
sign it again.  Well, Rick went and got Mike and told him there was a 
problem...(Mike roostered up) and went right to me and cleaned off the rest 
of the signature and resigned it for me.  There is still a slight smudge on 
it but, that smudge means more to me than anything.  Now it's really got 
Thanks again Doobie Brothers for signing my guitar!!
Oh and I will be getting a new guitar very soon.  I know it's going on a year 
that I haven't played the guitar...shame shame on me.  I need to warm up for 
Saratoga IF there is a guitar clinic.

Thanks Steve for getting this going.  It was fun to reminisce.

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