Wow, Lori!  What a valuable guitar!  Maybe you should just have it
hermetically sealed!  Is this subject still going?  Cuz if it is, I figured
it's about time I made my confession.  I first picked up my father's Martin
guitar when I was 12 years old and asked to take guitar lessons at a local
music store.  I took for about a year, playing basic chords and baby songs
like Mary Had a Little Lamb.  When I got "good", I learned to play the
chords to Bridge Over Trouble Water.  One day, when I was about 13, I was
asked to sing and play at a youth coffee house sponsored by our church.  And
what song do you think I played?
Jesus is Just Alright, of course!!
I strummed and sang and played my heart out to a bunch of kids and parents
who were high on sugar-laden coffee and 7 layer cookie bars.  I'm sure my
rendition of JIJA stank to high heaven but nobody cared.  I loved that song
and in my head, I heard the Doobies doing it instead of me.  I continued to
strum a few chords and play that guitar throughout high school and my early
days at college but preferred dancing to music as opposed to playing it.
My father's circa 1930 Martin guitar, fully restored in 1980, now rests
majestically at the home of my brother who is an amateur musician in Dallas.
Playing guitar is not one of my talents but it did give me a great
appreciation for musicians.  Kudos to all of you musician Doobie Fans and to
the Brothers for making such great music!
Have a Doobifying day,
gina cinderella dorman

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