In a message dated 5/16/01 9:25:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Laurin....those of us attending the Convention are thrilled! (speaking for
myself and atleast 3 other attendees) 34 people equals an intimate setting
with The Brothers that having 100's doesn't offer.  It's the masses that
missing out on this one...but don't worry everyone....Holly J will make up
for all of you that won't be with us.

Make that Holly and Lori will make up for it.  I'm really looking forward to
this and can't take this waiting!  When it's here, YAHOOO!  This is going to
be way too much fun!!  
Hopefully everyone that's not going to the show will go to the auction site
on the web when it's up and running.  I KNOW, there's going to be some really
cool Doobie stuff to bid on and it's going to a great cause!

LA attendee's GET READY TO ROCK!!!

See you in LA!!!


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