Title: Laughlin 2002?

The idea has been floated about holding a "fan-club reunion" in Laughlin, NV as the Doobies play 2 nights at the Flamingo Hilton Amp April 27 & 28, 2002. 

This has the potential to be a wonderful time for all Fan Club members.  I have no doubt that the memories and stories that would be shared by the original fan club convention attendees would, by themselves, be worth the trip to Laughlin.  The shows and reunion would just be icing on the cake.

Personally, my hope would be that such a "reunion" would rekindle the spark that has been so desperately missing from the Fan Club these past several/many months. 

As a club, we have definitely hit maturity; early excitement and mystery has given way to apathy generated by "been there/done that".  Recent drives and events meant to bring fans together have 1) fallen from previous years participation (toy drive), 2) fallen flat and met with some resistance (blood drive), and 3) have failed to create much, if any, excitement (Los Angeles 2001, only 34 registrants as of today and no mention on the list serve in weeks). 

There is a year to properly prepare for an event in Laughlin and there are 3 important questions that need to be asked before moving forward:

        1) Is there sufficient interest by Fan Club members to plan AND attend a Laughlin reunion?
        2) Is anyone willing to step forward and take responsibility for planning a sucessful event (after LA 2001, I just don't have it in me)?

        3) In order to ensure sufficient participation, should an event in Laughlin be the last planned Fan Club get together?

As stated above, as a club we have hit maturity.  Day-to-day operations of the club are pretty much on autopilot and, with that, the need for "leadership" or "organization" is significantly diminished.  Given that, as the year progresses, I will fade more and more into the background of the club and the autopilot will take full control.  After that time, should an FC member come up with an idea for an FC event, that idea will be forwarded directly to the band and the band will either give approval or not.  With approval, it will be the responsibility of that fan club member to present the idea to the club and move forward with the event.

These past 4+ years have been a great deal of fun...a definite E-ticket ride (that's old Disneyspeak)!  However, it is time to let the natural progression take it's course and move over. 

If Laughlin is pulled off, I'll certainly be there to celebrate...


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