Title: Re: Fan Club Related
I'm actually coming in to this a bit behind the proverbial 8-ball, having only joined the club a few months ago.

I, too, let Laurin know that I'm more than happy and willing to take on whatever I can to lighten his load. I say that having no idea what was has been done in the past with regard to delegating responsibilities and duties.  I will disagree, however, and say that this or any other fan club cannot exist without a leader...President, or whatever title you care to use.  Laurin informed us that he and the band came to this conclusion, feeling that the club had matured to such a point.

Please don't flame here, but I I would have to assume that Laurin has reached critical mass as his plate has become way too full for one person, for reasons I am unfamiliar with, but suspect it may be due to a lack of "help"...volunteer or otherwise.

It's difficult to resolve such issues when e-mail is the primary communication vehicle used by the members. I would suggest that we set aside an hour or so when we're in L.A. to discuss the issues and construct a plan moving forward.  Things will certainly fall apart without a "road map". And the convention schedule has plenty of time for such a meeting.

My two cents, gang.


- - rich

on 5/20/01 8:36 AM, Glenn at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No Problem Chris.  I just get tired of all the #(&#()$)* bickering on this list. It really takes the fun out of it when people are so critical of others.  I think people should just be tolerant and keep their mouths shut.  Also this list should not and will not die.  I would like to see Laurin keep his reign, but if he chooses to leave, I hope we can hold it together.  These conventions are my only real excuse for a vacation and I look forward to it all year long.  I don't want to see them end, although it sounds like that is likely after LA. Sad but true.  I guess it will be the last grand, main event for the fan club.  From now on they are said to be a little more intimate and scaled down considerably.  Personally, I like doing things on a grand scale.  This band deserves it and so do the FC members. I am totally bummed.  Laurin called me on the phone and said he has simply had enough as far as being Pres. is concerned.  He wants out. There will be no more presidents.  That means less organization and probably less charity events as well at least from what I can project. I can be wrong though and I hope I am this time.   I think that Laurin has done a super job as our President, and would love to see him remain as our fearless leader.  It is my humble opinion that maybe if he is burned out, perhaps we as members have not been as supportive of his efforts?  Maybe if such pressure wasn't dumped on him he would have lasted a little longer?  I think delegation is the key to be president of anything.  Otherwise burnout is inevitable.  Please think about this Laurin if you are reading this.  There are plenty of us out here that would love to share the duties.  Am I right people? I will certainly do my part.  All you have to do is assign me a duty or two or three etc.  It will be done.  What do all of you think? Now if someone has been offended by this in anyway, please contact me off the list for clarification, before giving me a public ass chewing. Thank you all.  Glenn

Hi Glenn,
Wow, I can't tell you how much your support was appreciated! I caught some
flack for voicing my opinion, but I felt I was entitled. It's not like I get
on my soapbox every other day, or even once a month. I mean, I sure don't
want the FC to diminish in any way, and I was just stating my opinion. Thanks
again for your support. Very much appreciated! Let's keep this train a
Rock On,

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