       I hate to see Laurin go,I think he has done a
Fantastic Job!I'm sure it has been time consuming,and
alot of hard work,but I think alot of it has to do
with the BICKERING,and I don't blame him.Those who
constantly BITCH about non-doobie related material,in
my opinion should just say farewell.I mean really
people its just so much easier just to hit delete,than
to write a big bitch letter,and hurt people's
feelings!You know if Laurin is to this point,The
Brothers may pull the plug on the whole thing!I hope

--- Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No Problem Chris.  I just get tired of all the
> #(&#()$)* bickering on
> this list. It really takes the fun out of it when
> people are so critical
> of others.  I think people should just be tolerant
> and keep their mouths
> shut.  Also this list should not and will not die. 
> I would like to see
> Laurin keep his reign, but if he chooses to leave, I
> hope we can hold it
> together.  These conventions are my only real excuse
> for a vacation and
> I look forward to it all year long.  I don't want to
> see them end,
> although it sounds like that is likely after LA. 
> Sad but true.  I guess
> it will be the last grand, main event for the fan
> club.  From now on
> they are said to be a little more intimate and
> scaled down
> considerably.  Personally, I like doing things on a
> grand scale.  This
> band deserves it and so do the FC members.  I am
> totally bummed.  Laurin
> called me on the phone and said he has simply had
> enough as far as being
> Pres. is concerned.  He wants out.  There will be no
> more presidents.
> That means less organization and probably less
> charity events as well at
> least from what I can project.  I can be wrong
> though and I hope I am
> this time.   I think that Laurin has done a super
> job as our President,
> and would love to see him remain as our fearless
> leader.  It is my
> humble opinion that maybe if he is burned out,
> perhaps we as members
> have not been as supportive of his efforts?  Maybe
> if such pressure
> wasn't dumped on him he would have lasted a little
> longer?  I think
> delegation is the key to be president of anything. 
> Otherwise burnout is
> inevitable.  Please think about this Laurin if you
> are reading this.
> There are plenty of us out here that would love to
> share the duties.  Am
> I right people? I will certainly do my part.  All
> you have to do is
> assign me a duty or two or three etc.  It will be
> done.  What do all of
> you think? Now if someone has been offended by this
> in anyway, please
> contact me off the list for clarification, before
> giving me a public ass
> chewing.  Thank you all.  Glenn
> > Hi Glenn,
> > Wow, I can't tell you how much your support was
> appreciated! I caught
> > some
> > flack for voicing my opinion, but I felt I was
> entitled. It's not like
> > I get
> > on my soapbox every other day, or even once a
> month. I mean, I sure
> > don't
> > want the FC to diminish in any way, and I was just
> stating my opinion.
> > Thanks
> > again for your support. Very much appreciated!
> Let's keep this train a
> >
> > rollin'!!
> > Rock On,
> > Chris

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