Sure I read them.  But the organization is not there yet.  So far all I see is that some of us might meet in Laughlin next year, and that's great, but  I don't see anything that is actually endorsed by the Brothers with any kind of confirmation that they will even attend.  That is one sure bet that we have been lucky enough to have with the conventions.  I like many of the people on the list, but I mainly go to see a kick ass concert and to actually spend a few precious moments with the men that make up the band as well as their families. That is what makes it special.  Just meeting friends can be done at the local tavern.  I don't say this to discount the friendships that many of us have cultivated, but rather to illustrate the missing elements in our future get togethers, which to me is the Doobie Brothers.  Ok........let me have it....I'm ready.  This one is going to hurt I can tell already.  Glenn

Maui Doobie wrote:



One question.  Haven't you been reading any posts about Laughlin next year and the possibilities of a Fan Club Reunion?  Just wondering.  That might answer some of your concerns for future get togethers.

 >From: Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fan Club Related
>Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 13:36:56 +0000
>No Problem Chris. I just get tired of all the #(&#()$)* bickering on
>this list. It really takes the fun out of it when people are so critical
>of others. I think people should just be tolerant and keep their mouths
>shut. Also this list should not and will not die. I would like to see
>Laurin keep his reign, but if he chooses to leave, I hope we can hold it
>together. These conventions are my only real excuse for a vacation and
>I look forward to it all year long. I don't want to see them end,
>although it sounds like that is likely after LA. Sad but true. I guess
>it will be the last grand, main event for the fan club. From now on
>they are said to be a little more intimate and scaled down
>considerably. Personally, I like doing things on a grand scale. This
>band deserves it and so do the FC members. I am totally bummed. Laurin
>called me on the phone and said he has simply had enough as far as being
>Pres. is concerned. He wants out. There will be no more presidents.
>That means less organization and probably less charity events as well at
>least from what I can project. I can be wrong though and I hope I am
>this time. I think that Laurin has done a super job as our President,
>and would love to see him remain as our fearless leader. It is my
>humble opinion that maybe if he is burned out, perhaps we as members
>have not been as supportive of his efforts? Maybe if such pressure
>wasn't dumped on him he would have lasted a little longer? I think
>delegation is the key to be president of anything. Otherwise burnout is
>inevitable. Please think about this Laurin if you are reading this.
>There are plenty of us out here that would love to share the duties. Am
>I right people? I will certainly do my part. All you have to do is
>assign me a duty or two or three etc. It will be done. What do all of
>you think? Now if someone has been offended by this in anyway, please
>contact me off the list for clarification, before giving me a public ass
>chewing. Thank you all. Glenn
> > Hi Glenn,
> > Wow, I can't tell you how much your support was appreciated! I caught
> > some
> > flack for voicing my opinion, but I felt I was entitled. It's not like
> > I get
> > on my soapbox every other day, or even once a month. I mean, I sure
> > don't
> > want the FC to diminish in any way, and I was just stating my opinion.
> > Thanks
> > again for your support. Very much appreciated! Let's keep this train a
> >
> > rollin'!!
> > Rock On,
> > Chris

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