On Sunday 25 Oct 2009, Simon O'Riordan wrote:
> The Digistani people are asking for discrimination by governments against
> businesses and individuals which don't ascribe.
> Therefore they are asking for a violation of the Universal Declaration of
> Human Rights( which appears on the same page - the mind boggles). Therefore
> I will not be signing.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but I think you've missed the 
point.  I quote:

'We call on all governments to:

   1. Procure only information technology that implements free and open 
   2. Deliver e-government services based exclusively on free and open 
   3. Use only free and open digital standards in their own activities.'

Can I ask what is wrong with that, unless you work for a company that thrives 
by locking its customers in by using proprietary standards and patents to 
encumber them?

> And if this is their level of logic, I won't touch any of their software
> with a bargepole if it can be avoided.

Please look at that site again.  They do not make software.  They are talking 
about Open Standards.  By the way, without Open Standards, the Internet 
wouldn't work (at least as we know it) and I doubt that Linux would have been 
able to gain a foothold. 

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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