On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 19:47:33 -0000, Simon O'Riordan  
<voluntar...@btopenworld.com> wrote:

> They are asking for a prior decision to discriminate against individuals  
> and companies who attempt to retain ownership of their property.

You don't stop 'owning' software by open sourcing it. Same as you don't  
stop 'owning' the words written and published in a book when selling it.

> What we do with our efforts is our business.
> What other people choose to do is theirs and we have governments in  
> order to
> protect our different choices, not impose either theirs or ours.

I think your mistaking forcing people to use open source software, or  
forcing people targeting software at the government into releasing in an  
'open' license.

This is not the purpose of said petition. The petition just asks that  
governments release data in an acceptable format that 'anyone' can read.  
Data the government has is public property and so 'owned' by the populous  

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