On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 19:00 +0000, Andrew Drapper wrote:
> Sorry I forgot to edit my last replies subject. wooops
> Walter,
> Thanks. I have picked up three pc through freecycle in the past, but had no
> success with any. But thanks for the tip. the Bridport - Lyme Regis is not
> very well covered at the moment so I ended up travelling an hour each way
> and then failing to get it up and running.
> Oh an I am married, freecycle is almost a sure way to get divorced isn't it?
> All that loverly free stuff, that my wife called junk!! :-(
> I think I have something else in the offing, but may call back re 600 Mhz
> AMD.
> Peter,
> Thanks, but I do not think is it memory that I am short of at the moment,
> but it could just be that I can not remember. He he :-]
> Thanks again all.

I see Novatech does a quite powerful bare bones system for about £150,
if you have all the other bits.

With 2G of Ram, makes my 128M modules look silly.


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