On 19/03/2010 14:06, Terry Coles wrote:

>> At this stage if 10,000 written requests are put to local politicians then
>> the bill will be required to be run through a more formal analysis that is
>> currently the case. Thats 10,000 people across the whole of the UK.
> I didn't know that.  Get writing you lazy slobs! :-)

The Open Rights Group reports today that 10,000 people have written to
their MP (presumably stats from the 38 degrees website), but the
corporate lobbyists are still pushing to get this through.


It's going to be very difficult for MPs to ignore the level of support
that the campaign has raised. Hopefully the demonstration next week in
London will also be a spectacular display of support.

Incidentally, if anyone would like to attend the demonstration next week
(Wednesday, 5:30pm, Westminster) then I'll be driving up and I still
have a free seat in my car.

Dan Wentworth

Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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