On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 14:06:10 +0000, d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk said:

> If the big-content owners could recognise that their business model 
> is out-dated, out-moded and failing

But they never do. The entertainment industry are the people that opposed
CDs because they would allow exact copies to be made, who wanted a tax on
audio cassettes before that to cover their "losses" from home taping,
and who wanted to ban video recorders before that.

As Glyn Moody reports [1], the film industry reported that "global box
office receipts reached an all time high of $29.9 billion, an increase of
7.6% over 2008 and almost 30% from 2005". But they are (obviously)
suffering because they add, "Yet our industry faces the relentless
challenge of the theft of its creative content, a challenge extracting an
increasingly unbearable cost."

It is apparently a more effective use of their marketing dollars to lobby
politicians than to innovate.

Keith Edmunds

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