On Tue, 2010-03-30 at 18:21 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> On Thursday 25 Mar 2010, Terry Coles wrote:
> > Whatever the truth, here is what Annette Brooke (LibDem for Mid Dorset and
> > Poole North) said to me in response to my letter through the 38 Degrees
> >  site:
> > 
> > "Thank you for your message calling for the Digital Economy Bill to receive
> > proper parliamentary debate.  Time is running out for the present
> >  Parliament and from today until Easter the Commons will be debating the
> >  Budget.  I am watching  the timetable for the Commons but  at this stage
> >  it is not clear if the Bill will get a Second Reading in the Commons,
> >  although it is still possible.    I am very concerned that the Bill should
> >  receive proper scrutiny and  I will update you in due course.'"
> > 
> > I received that yesterday, presumably before the date for the debate was
> >  set.
> After the short note last week Annette Brooke sent a much  much longer 
> blanket 
> message that the disclaimer in the footer said was confidential to the 
> recipient (although it was BCCd to lots of people presumably).  
> In essence is says that the LibDems are going to pass the bill pretty much as 
> it is because there are lots of good things that are needed in it.  To get 
> the 
> good; they are going to swallow the bad.  What this means of course is that 
> the bill has been framed to ensure that unpopular and unfair measures get 
> forced through because no-one wants to railroad the good stuff.
> The message claimed that the LibDem amendments included some safeguards, 
> including the following requirements:
> 1. copyright infringers are notified by letter, without any risk of their 
> internet connection being affected, for at least a year
> 2. an evaluation of the effectiveness of such "soft measures" is undertaken
> 3. an evaluation of the need for, and likely effectiveness of, technical 
> measures has been completed
> 4. further consultation has taken place
> 5. proposed legislation is brought before parliament for decision, and
> 6. any process to disconnect users explicitly assumes their innocence until 
> they are proven guilty
> I suspect that on their own the LibDems can't achieve much anyway, so it 
> remains to be seen how the bill works in practice.
> -- 
>               Terry Coles
>               64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

Peter M:

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