On 1 April 2010 17:36, Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk> wrote:
> On Thursday 01 Apr 2010, Robert Bronsdon wrote:
>> On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:09:58 +0100, Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>> > people who illegally download buy more music legally than those whodon't.
>> *clearly* those people would spend even more if they weren't downloading
>> illegally.
> I'm not sure if you left out the sarcasm tags or whether you really believe
> that.  The theory is that illegal downloading is like payola without the
> bribes; people download music to see if they like it, they then go out to buy
> the music when they've selected what they want from all the ones that they've
> downloaded.  People who don't illegally download on the other hand, are more
> cautious when buying because they don't know if they will like the music or
> not.
> If the theory is correct, then I would say that it's the modern equivalent of
> going into the local record shop and asking them to play a record before you
> buy it.

That sounds about right to me Terry, so surely the solution for the
music industry is obvious ... "Time Limited Downloads".

By this I mean a new file format that plays an embedded MP3, (or
whatever), and kills / cripples itself after a pre-defined time, say a
day or a week.  If the user goes on to buy the item online, it should
be possible to detect somehow that they had downloaded the Time
Limited version and they could be given a discount on the full version
as a reward for being legitimate.

That would provide exactly the style of "Try before you Buy" that the
theory says is happening, and would provide a whole host of new sales
opportunities for the industry to boot !


Cheers Peter

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