Terry Coles wrote:
> On Tuesday 30 Mar 2010, Peter Merchant wrote:
>> http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/8357/digital-economy-bill-protest
>> s-spread-across-the-uk/
> Yes, but that report is nearly a week old, so the momentum has been lost.  
> The 
> LibDems were the only major party opposing the bill.  Now they've decided to 
> support it, it's a shoo-in, so it doesn't really matter how many protests 
> there are.
> I just hope the LibDems are right and the process of kicking serial 
> infringers 
> will be fair and just.  My worry is that we end up in the same situation as 
> in 
> the US where individuals get letters threatening legal action and have to 
> decided between paying the money to the protection racketeers or facing years 
> in court and the millions of $ that that entails, even if they win!.  Even 
> when the money for defence is provided pro bono (eg out of the coffers of 
> some 
> support organisation), the victim can get hammered (and that takes no account 
> of the stress and time involved in the process).
> See 
> http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=124929 
> for a couple of examples, where the defendants had help and were still hit 
> for 
> huge damage awards.  There was also the woman who had never used a computer 
> who got successfully sued (the computer belonged to her late husband) and the 
> 12 year old girl who got the threatening letter.
> I realise that British justice is nowhere near as unjust as the US variety, 
> but bad things do happen.  This law needs debating to prevent those kind of 
> situations ever being possible.

On that subject, here's something I read today:


A 19 year-old in the UK whose case was dropped.


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