On 07/08/10 21:32, Keith Edmunds wrote:
On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 21:14:14 +0100, andy.pater...@ntlworld.com said:

I have been running for years without backups - using the relatively
simple notion that raid mirroring is arguably as good as backups


It might work for you, which is fine; however, there is a world of
difference between RAID and backups.

I agree but he may be talking about using raid 1 (mirroring) to swap out a spare disc which is what I do. However unless you do this daily (which I wouldn't advise even if scsi), you still need to backup any changes since the last disc swap out. For this I use a combination of rsync to another system and tar up my complete home directory daily.

When I plan an upgrade, I always swap out the mirror disc and ensure the new disc has updated before starting. This has worked well when the upgrade went t*ts up, ensuring a rapid recovery.

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