Hi Terry

On 30/09/14 14:05, d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk wrote:

Our company has a presence in several European countries and our collective
bosses would like to set up a Corporate Social Network based on Linux servers
and Clients running on Windows hardware.  The system would have to be private to
the company using the Intranet or our other shared networking capabilities.

Does anyone have any recommendations?  I believe that the management are not
really sure what they want in terms of functionality so are looking for
suggestions.  We have discussed this locally and have some varied opinions:

1.  I like the blog environment, having been a big fan of Groklaw, but that
implementation of Geeklog didn't allow attachments.
2.  Some think that a Facebook style of presentation would be ideal, but I've
never used it so cannot comment.  Is there an opensource package that can
implement Facebook functionality?
3.  We think that twitter is too brief.
4.  We think that IRC is too immediate; if your not there you've missed it.

What else could be used?

Maybe I've missed something but a mailing list seems to tick all the boxes above.



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