On 21/01/15 10:11, Clive Wills wrote:
Hi all

I've been trying to burn a 'Live' disk/USB of Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64bit without any luck and would like to know what I'm doing wrong. So far have done the following:- Downloaded The ISO image from the main web site via a UK mirror, software is on the desktop so it's easy to find. Used Brasero to burn image to DVD, checksum OK, rebooted laptop and selected Mint 17.1 from boot menu, then blank screen, DVD spins a few times but nothing happens, left for 30mins incase it was just slow. Nope. Tried burning anyother DVD by right clicking the image and selecting burn image, exactly same results. Looked at DVD and it lists several directories and files, all system connected, so it did unpack the the image. Or is this wrong? Tried to use Unetbootin and all appeared OK but get same results when re-booting.
What am I doing wrong, any ideas please?
Checked boot sequence and it's USB, DVD, HD. All other live disks from mags work OK.
I have a Mint17-KDE DVD I can drop in to you if it will help.


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