Hi Clive,

> Used Brasero to burn image to DVD, checksum OK, rebooted laptop and
> selected Mint 17.1 from boot menu,

Is that the BIOS boot menu offering you a choice of media to boot from,
and "Mint 17.1" is the name of your burnt DVD, or has it already booted
from DVD at that point and that's the DVD's menu system offering the
distro, Memcheck+, etc?  That would clarify if booting has started to
successfully use the DVD.

> Looked at DVD and it lists several directories and files, all system
> connected, so it did unpack the the image.

Sounds reasonable.  If there's a file called md5sum.txt or similar, you
should find it has a list of files and their digests.  If you cd to that
directory you can have md5sum(1) read that file and check that all the
digests match what it can retrieve from the DVD.  This will exercise
reading the data off the DVD, confirming it can be read without error.
`md5sum -c md5sum.txt'.

> Checked boot sequence and it's USB, DVD, HD.  All other live disks
> from mags work OK.

This is a DVD drive built into the laptop and not an external USB one?
Have you a USB flash stick big enough to take the image?  Unetbootin
should be able to install the image on a USB stick for you, being
careful to select the right device to write to!

Cheers, Ralph.

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