Well, tried all suggestions with little return except I tried my DVD on our desktop machine and it worked! So the DVD is a good one so why does it not work on the laptop, which it the same drive it was burned on?
I still can't re-install the new copy of Mint until I get a DVD that works.

Peter delivered a copy of the KDE version but I've never got on well with KDE (could not get the wireless to work properly on the live disk).

C A Wills

/Supporting Linux & Open Source/
On 21/01/15 17:26, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Some items clipped
Hi Clive,

It's the DVD text menu showing Mint 17.1 and Memcheck, so booted from
DVD.  Select Mint and that's when it goes to blank screen and nothing
more happens.
Yes, but that's checking that the download successfully got the image file onto your hard disk. By running `md5sum -c md5sums.txt' or similar from within the DVD's directory, you'll be checking the files are retrievable from the DVD, i.e. that the burn went well. Cheers, Ralph.

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