Hi Clive,

> It's the DVD text menu showing Mint 17.1 and Memcheck, so booted from
> DVD.  Select Mint and that's when it goes to blank screen and nothing
> more happens.

OK, there's probably a means of using that menu to edit the command line
that boots Mint.  Look for "splash" and "quiet".  Remove both.  Then
boot that entry.  The change is temporary.  It should show text on the
screen as it's booting rather than a pretty, pretty useless, picture.

> > Sounds reasonable.  If there's a file called md5sum.txt or similar,
> > you should find it has a list of files and their digests.  If you cd
> > to that directory you can have md5sum(1) read that file and check
> > that all the digests match what it can retrieve from the DVD.  This
> > will exercise reading the data off the DVD, confirming it can be
> > read without error.  `md5sum -c md5sum.txt'.
> md5sum checked out OK when downloaded

Yes, but that's checking that the download successfully got the image
file onto your hard disk.  By running `md5sum -c md5sums.txt' or similar
from within the DVD's directory, you'll be checking the files are
retrievable from the DVD, i.e. that the burn went well.

Cheers, Ralph.

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