On Thu, 26 Mar 2020 11:38:48 +0000, C Wills wrote:
> Linux Mint 19.08 has it in the repository but comments something
> about  it being a wrapper only.
> Does Zoom work and is there any problem with it please?

I assume Zoom has a non-Free software license. (Free as in freedom.)

Because of that, I think the "wrapper only" comment probably means the 
package only contains code that grabs the software from elsewhere, 
rather than including the software in the package itself.

The same thing that's often done with other packages, like Adobe Flash 
and the Microsoft core fonts for the Web, as a workaround for 
restrictions on distribution.

I can't say whether it works or not, as I've never come across it 

I would probably try the .deb directly from their download page. It 
claims compatibility with Linux Mint 17.1+.



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