On Thursday, 26 March 2020 14:14:38 GMT Patrick Wigmore wrote:
> I would probably try the .deb directly from their download page. It
> claims compatibility with Linux Mint 17.1+.

I tried the other way:


I found the process a bit convoluted because I'd never used flatpaks before, 
but eventually 
got it to install.  Particularly obscure was that after I'd followed the 
procedure at the link, I 
then had to run the installation in the shell which resulted in:

*terry@OptiPlex*:*~*$ flatpak install zoom 
*       ID                                                 Arch            
Branch         Remote          Download* 
✓] org.freedesktop.Platform                           x86_64          19.08     
     flathub         224.2 MB / 
238.2 MB 
✓] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                x86_64          19.08     
         94.9 MB / 94.9 MB 
✓] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-435-21          x86_64          1.4       
        103.3 MB / 103.3 MB 
✓] org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale                    x86_64          19.08     
     flathub          16.7 kB 
/ 318.2 MB 
✓] org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                  x86_64          2.0       
        918.1 kB / 916.8 kB 
✓] us.zoom.Zoom                                       x86_64          stable    
     flathub          72.7 MB / 
72.7 MB 

I was then left with a rather obscure launcher which is buried in 
us.zoom.Zoom/ (how bizarre!) which seems to be clickable.

I then got a dialogue called 'Zoom Cloud Meetings' and choices of 'Join a 
Meeting' or 'Sign 
In'.  I selected Sign In and created an account.  Once I had logged in I was 
provided with a 
dialogue which will allow me to Setup a new meeting, Schedule a meeting, Join a 
or Share the screen.

So I obviously haven't actually set up any meetings yet, but everything seems 
to work OK, 
including the Camera and Audio settings.


                Terry Coles

[1] https://flathub.org/apps/details/us.zoom.Zoom
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