On Wednesday, 20 May 2020 11:43:50 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> > The problem only started after I upgraded my system to Kubuntu 20.04.
> > When I select 'Log Out', 'Shutdown' or 'Restart' from the KDE Menu,
> > I get a pop-up from the Taskbar that says; 'Logout prevented by
> > /usr/bin/clemantine '.  This only lasts for a few seconds and then
> > disappears.  If I then try again, it works.
> It sounds like
> https://github.com/clementine-player/Clementine/issues/6401

There was no solution forthcoming on the Issues thread so I posted the 
question in the Kubuntu Forums.  Eventually someone suggested disabling the 
tray icon.  This fixed the problem completely.

So no solution, but a work-round.  I've posted the information to the GitHub 
page, so maybe the maintainer will have a better chance to fix it if he knows 
where to look.


                Terry Coles

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