On Saturday, 23 May 2020 11:55:49 BST zir...@xendistar.co.uk wrote:
> Fair enough, I used to like Amarok as well when I used KDE. A few months
> ago I installed KDE and Amarok was one of the first things I went
> looking at, not impressed. I think KDE lasted just over a day before I
> decided it was not for me.

Amarok was removed from the Kubuntu Repositories some time ago - lack of 
development I expect.

The default player that was installed at the time was Clementine so I 
switched.  Apparently the the default player is now Elise, which I also tried.  
Definitely not impressed; even less features than Clementine and I couldn't get 
the Playlist to populate by selecting the Files item.


                Terry Coles

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