On 21/01/2021 08:11, Terry Coles wrote:
> On Thursday, 21 January 2021 07:59:12 GMT PeterMerchant wrote:
>> I notice that it doesn't have WiFi, and I wonder if it could be programmed
>> from the Arduino IDE as 'c' is mentioned. Perhaps that will come. I have
> Do you not compile the C code before uploading it to an Arduino or similar?  
> I've never used an Arduino but have always assumed that the compiler was in 
> the IDE not the device.
>> been using a Wemos D1 which has some of these features plus Wifi, and
>> programmed in c.
> That's an interesting device too, albeit a lot less capable than this latest 
> offering.
> The microPython is the attractive thing.  When i was evaluating the options 
> at 
> WMT in 2016, I plumped for the RPi Zero because it was half the price of the 
> cheapest Arduino, but more importantly it supported Python.
> Since the WMT is largely maintained by volunteers, I didn't want to use a 
> language that might be hard to use for novices.  Since Python was going up 
> the 
> popularity charts even then, and is quite powerful, I felt it was the right 
> choice.  I still do. 

This is a very interesting product. That said, I agree with you Terry in
that I think it would have been hard to even get Ethernet to work with
something like this, let alone talking to a MySQL database - probably
unsuitable for the River System, or at least the direction it went in
given the hardware we had at the time.

I must admit I struggle to see the difference between a microcontroller
and a very low end SoC/SBC, apart from the analogue inputs (but AFAIK
some SoCs/SBCs include analogue inputs too).


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