On 21/01/2021 09:50, Terry Coles wrote:
> On Thursday, 21 January 2021 09:25:02 GMT Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
>> This is a very interesting product. That said, I agree with you Terry in
>> that I think it would have been hard to even get Ethernet to work with
>> something like this, let alone talking to a MySQL database - probably
>> unsuitable for the River System, or at least the direction it went in
>> given the hardware we had at the time.
> At the time, there was no thought of networking the devices; this was when I 
> did the lighting controller.  This would have been perfect for that because 
> in 
> the end I was unable to get PWM to work without flickering using Python 
> because 
> the GPIO Library didn't (doesn't?) support the hardware PWM on Pin 18.   I 
> got 
> it working with WiringPi and C, although the C code is hardly rocket science 
> with only around 160 lines of code around a third of which are comments.
> The train controllers would have been a perfect choice for this , but I 
> couldn't have used it for any of the four audio players on the site.  I agree 
> with you that we certainly would have struggled to develop the software for 
> the River System in its present form.
> From a hardware standpoint we would have been fine for any of the River 
> System 
> devices if USB networking could be made to work.   If I were starting today, 
> I 
> would seriously consider using a Pi Zero at each location to do the grunt 
> work, connected to the Pico's using USB Networking, like I've just done on 
> the 
> new Minster hardware.

That's true, if USB is fairly functional that perhaps USB NICs could be
made to work. It will still need a TCP/IP stack though.

What would the Pico's be doing in that design? All the hardware-related
stuff like interfacing with probes?

I realise this is very much a hypothetical discussion, but still
interested :). Does the USB Raspberry Pi networking work well for the
new Minster system?


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