On 20/02/2021 13:01, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
I haven't been following this, but have you checked for a firmware
update for the router that might fix the issue?


On 20/02/2021 12:56, CA Wills wrote:
Started a new email on this subject due to delays in replying. We have
been relaying our patio during the week between rain showers, so have
not had a clear time slot to 'play'.

Update today.  1200hrs.

Removed all connections from the TT Super(?) Router and replaced using
the very old previous Huawei HG633 router.

After reconnecting to old HG633 router and checking I had wireless set
up, it showed that Lily's Tablet had connected automatically via

Then set up my laptop (wireless) and it connected OK; moved into the
Living room and still connected; proved that the _laptop_ wireless is
OK.  Checked speed and appears no loss in speed.

Conclusion is that something on the 'new' router has upset 'my' link.
As we need the wireless connection for tomorrow morning, I'm staying
with the 'old' router till after lunch.

Next stage is to reconnect the 'new' router after setting it back to
default, will then check if wireless is OK again.  Hoping that may
clear whatever upset my wireless.

If all goes well then end of problem.  If I still can't connect the
laptop but all else is OK will get onto TT, report the problem and ask
for a replacement router (can but hope!).  As Peter reported a while
back he had a similar problem with one item being rejected connection,
I believe that was also with a TT router.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help, will email when done
reconnecting tomorrow.

My problem was with the TT Sagemcom 'super'-router, and the one wired computer 
not connecting. This was after I think TT had upgraded the firmware and reset 
it to factory defaults.


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