On 01/06/2010 02:15 PM Thomas Wolf wrote:
> …
> The package "dovecot-postfix" installs and uses dovecot-postfix.conf but
> unfortunately also puts the default dovecot.conf in /etc/dovecot
> (driving everyone crazy who blindly follows howtos editing
> dovecot.conf). Highly recommended to remove/rename dovecot.conf in this
> configuration.

And there is big fat warning at the top of the unbuntus's dovecot.conf
# ------------------------------ WARNING -------------------------------

# If there's a file /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf, which is part of
# dovecot-postfix package, it will be used instead of dovecot.conf.

# Keep in mind that, if that file exist, none of the changes in
# /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf will have effect on dovecot's configuration.
# In that case you should customize /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf.

# ------------------------------ WARNING -------------------------------

Further more, the file /usr/share/doc/dovecot-postfix/README.Debian
"dovecot's init script checks existance of /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf
and if that file exists, it reads it instead of /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf."

Sorry, but I really can't understand, why the most unbuntu users seems
to be unable to read AND understand so simple written documentation. :(

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning “I can’t install Debian.”
                                                         -- unknown

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