Literally, in a recent case with me. Debian (any build I could get my hands on, I tried quite a few) would literally not install on a box. I was lucky if the installer ran, let alone did anything. Spent a week trying.

Ubuntu installed on the first try and was up and running after fifteen minutes.

Thomas Berezansky
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

Quoting Jerry <>:

On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 14:41:32 -0200 Eduardo M KALINOWSKI <>

On Qua, 06 Jan 2010, Pascal Volk wrote:
> Sorry, but I really can't understand, why the most unbuntu users seems
> to be unable to read AND understand so simple written documentation. :(

If they could, they'd be running debian. :-)

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning, "I can’t install Debian."


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